Up the valley towards Kielder |
Thursday 6th October 2011
After the morning Communion service in Bellingham I drove up the valley to take Holy Communion to a semi-housebound parishioner. On a dull showery day the roadside trees seem to go on for ever. As the rain poured down during my visit, the candlelight acentuated the focus of our devotions.
Table prepared for home Communion
There were several other visits taking harvest gifts of fruit and vegetables to people who have had a hard year. Produce removed from the church after Harvest Festival was given where there had been a recent death or where a member of the family had been seriously ill, for instance. These visits were interspersed between a meeting at the Sure Start family centre, Evening Prayer, putting the horse to bed and seeing a couple for marriage preparation. Now to my desk for a while before bed.
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