Friday, February 27, 2015

The new team gets together

Friday 27th February 2015
Minsteracres Retreat Centre where, with a wise facilitator, the six of us (clergy and Readers) spent the day discussing how we are going to work together as a new team of ministers in North Tyne and Redesdale.
Recalling good teamwork, I see how it depends on being able to rely on each other without any competition within the team: you don't try to be the goal scorer when it would be much more successful to pass to a team member who is in a position to score.  And you do have to share the same goal!  (Ours is something along the lines of helping people to be aware of the divine love working in their lives, to draw out God-given gifts, to encourage the hope and thankfulness that that brings.)
     See Thought for the Day page

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