Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Tuesday 29th November 2011
Kielder Water
When people ask me where I work, I sometimes say "Do you know Kielder Water, the largest manmade lake in western Europe?  Well, it's in the corner of one of my parishes."  But today I'm not saying anything at all because I 've completely lost my voice.
     It's been a great opportunity to spend the whole day in my study catching up on answering letters, writing cheques [must remember to claim reimbursement for Advent candles, Christingle candles, church lectionaries, Communion wine etc etc], composing contributions for parish newsletters, responding to e-mails, organising my diary....and getting my poor husband to ring up to cancel all my appointments and reschedule them, as well as pass on certain responsibilities to other people.
     If anyone wonders why I haven't replied to your queries of October, it's because I rarely get a day like this with so much time to myself.  If you'd like to alleviate this situation, please send me someone to help with the admin!!

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