Monday, May 29, 2017


Friday 26th May 2017
It was one of those days with pressure of time which may be difficult for other people to imagine.  Get up, take the dog out, drive to the fell to check the horse and give her a morning feed, come back to my own breakfast and be in church in time for Morning Prayer at 8 o'clock.
Then dress in hiking gear before driving the five miles to Greenhaugh School for a 9 o'clock assembly on pilgrimage, telling them a little about St Cuthbert's Way and preparing them for their own local "St Aidan's pilgrimage" next month.
     Drive to Thorneyburn and change in St Aidan's vestry into more formal dress (black cassock and proper shoes) ready to conduct a funeral, which was attended by 120 people, and then the burial.
     I can't remember what happened next; but people always get the impression that the clergy only exist when they are visible  --  rather like people's sceptical impression of God!  

1 comment:

  1. But priests only work on Sundays - in rather the way that teachers only work in school hours and never mind the preparation and the marking!
