Trinity Sunday 15th June 2014
In the quiet of the evening the church is poised for whatever comes next. |
After the 9.30 Parish Communion service this morning there was a quick turnaround to prepare for a hundred worshippers to attend the Brown Rigg School Reunion Songs of Praise. A good number of them stayed for drinks and nibbles which brought us to lunchtime on a celebratory note. Everything was reorganised in time for the 3 o'clock "STARS" for the under-5's and their families who sit on a carpet in the chancel and end their service with juice and biscuits. When I come to say Evening Prayer on my own before locking the church for the night, it's very peaceful with a sense of the many varied people who have shared in worshipping during the day. Nothing visible remains but there's a readiness to welcome the many people who will come in their own time throughout tomorrow.