Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Taken for granted?

Monday 23rd May 2016
When I moved to North Tyne and Redesdale my niece wondered how long it would take before I stopped being thrilled by the views.  Nearly ten years later I'm used to living in this landscape, but how could I take a scene like this for granted?  --  except in the theological sense that it's one of the divine blessings granted to us here. It was a good start to the day (about 7.30) before a full day with meetings in school and around the parishes.  The last appointment of the day was with a group of churchwardens to plan their new parson's licensing service.  Then home for a 10.00 p.m. sandwich, catching up on the computer and bed before midnight.

1 comment:

  1. It always looks so green there - and your sheep seem so clean compared with ours!
